Framing is done! HVAC and electrical is being installed now. Shouldn't be much longer before sheetrock/tape/texture/flooring. We are still on schedule for a late August start.
We just got an update from our builder that due to covid, and building supplies our close date will be closer to August. Thus, we are hoping the first night of Chess Club will be about 8/25/2021!
Here is the first "news" post for the site! We have been wanting to give back to the Fargo chess community for while now. There have been less and less tournaments in the area and we wanted to find a way to get involved in helping to promote chess in the area. My wife and…
Standings and Pairings (SIGN UP FOR TXT NOTIFICATIONS): 1 Stream: 9 AM Round 110:45 AM Round 212:15 Lunch…
Standings and Pairings (SIGN UP FOR TXT NOTIFICATIONS): Board 1 Stream: 9 AM Round 1 10:45 AM Round 212:15…
Eric Ashton
Lawrence Cohen
Eric Ashton
Eric Ashton